MCO CRowdfund

Donation Trolley
Donation Trolley (0)

Welcome to the M C O  Crowdfund   


Welkom by die M S O Skarefonds

The Mother City Orchestra  (MCO) is in full compliance of all the aspects of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) as it relates to the security of personal information of staff, contractors, sponsors and patrons and the security of names, email addresses and telephone numbers of ticket buyers and newsletter subscribers.



The MCO’s data base is used to disseminate marketing material such as newsletters and production and performance information to all patrons and sponsors who have shown an interest in the orchestra. They can opt out/ update their preferences on the newsletter itself.



All information is for our own use and will not be given to or sold to third parties.


Support the work of the Mother City Orchestra by making a donation and receive one or more special gifts in recognition of your generosity.




Ondersteun die werk van die Moederstad Orkes deur 'n skenking te maak en ontvang een of meer spesiale geskenke as erkenning vir u bydrae.

About us

This crowdfund is linked to the Mother City Orchestra : South Africa's only touring orchestra.



The aim of the crowdfund initiative is to raise R1 million over a period of six months to assist the MCO in their productions and tours.



Each level offers unique benefits to Contributors. 



We invite you to support the future of classical and light classical music by becoming a Supporter of this initiative!



MCO receives NO government or National Lottery funding and its sustainability relies solely on ticket sales, sponsorships and the proceeds from fundraising initiatives.


Visit the MCO website at to learn more about the orchestra and the exciting line-up of concerts!

Choose your level of support and follow the instructions to contribute.


Kies jou vlak van ondersteuning en volg die aanwysings om by te dra.

Mother City Orchestra


Tel : 021 023 1234

Moederstad Orkes


Tel : 021 023 1234

Support us now!           Ondersteun ons nou!

R 150.00
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Contact us

Send us an email to join our mailing list to receive regular updates.

How did you find us?


In recognition of your R50 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


A personalised certificate of thanks from MCO


An MCO branded milk chocolate bar


Delivery 3 weeks after receiving your donation and delivery details





As erkenning van jou R50 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


'n Persoonlike bedankingsertifikaat van MSO


'n MSO sjokolade stafie met die MSO 



Aflewering 3 weke nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R100 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


A personalised certificate of thanks from MCO


An MCO branded milk chocolate bar


An MCO branded pen


Delivery 3 weeks after receiving your donation and delivery details



As erkenning van jou R100 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


'n Persoonlike bedankingsertifikaat van MSO


'n MSO sjokolade stafie met die MSO 



'n MSO pen met die MSO handelsmerk daarop


Aflewering 3 weke nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R150 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


A personalised certificate of thanks from MCO


An MCO branded coffee mug


Delivery 3 weeks after receiving your donation and delivery details




As erkenning van jou R100 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


'n Persoonlike bedankingsertifikaat van MSO


'n Koffiebeker met die MSO handelsmerk daarop


Aflewering 3 weke nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R250 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


A personalised certificate of thanks from MCO


Coffee and Cake with our Resident Conductor at an upmarket coffee shop for you and a friend/partner


Delivery one month after receiving your donation and delivery details




As erkenning van jou R250 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


Koffie en Koek saam met ons Resident Dirigent by 'n top koffiewinkel vir jou en 'n vriend/lewensmaat



Aflewering een maand nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R500 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


Two champagne glasses with the engraved MCO logo


A bottle of MCO sparkling wine


Delivery one month after receiving your donation and delivery details




As erkenning van jou R500 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


Twee sjampanje glase met die MSO logo daarop gegraveer


'n Bottel MSO vonkelwyn


Aflewering een maand nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R1000 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


A personalised certificate of thanks from  MCO


Two MCO branded chocolate slabs


A bottle of MCO limited edition red wine


Delivery one month after receiving your donation and delivery details




As erkenning van jou R1000 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


'n Persoonlike bedankingserifikaat van MSO


Twee MSO handelsmerk sjokolades


'n Bottel beperkte uitgawe MSO rooiwyn


Aflewering een maand nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.


In recognition of your R2000 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


TWo bottles of MCO limited edition red wine


Dinner at an exclusive restaurant for a party of two, with our Resident Conductor and Chairman


Delivery one month after receiving your donation and delivery details



As erkenning van jou R2000 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


Aandete vir twee by 'n eksklusiewe restaurant, saam met ons Resident Dirigent en Voorsitter


Twee bottels beperkte uitgawe MSO rooiwyn


Aflewering een maand nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.

Grand Patron

In recognition of your R5000 contribution to the MCO Crowdfund, you will receive -


Bring 9 guests to one of our Gala Concerts and receive the ultimate in front row treatement, including free canapes and sparkling wine during interval


Meet all the members of MCO after the concert


Receive autographed copies of the concert programme


Delivery three months after receiving your donation and delivery details



As erkenning van jou R5000 bydrae tot die MSO Skarefonds, sal jy die volgende ontvang :


Bring 9 gaste na een van ons Gala Konserte en ontvang die beste "voorste ry" behandeling.  Sluit in vingerhappies en vonkelwyn gedurende pouse.


Ontmoet al die lede van die MSO na afloop van die konsert


Ontvang getekende programme van die konsert


Aflewering drie maande nadat ons jou donasie en adresbesonderhede ontvang het.